ACCF Workshop at Comms Connect Melbourne, Australia
Author : Radio China    Time : 2023-10-26    Source :

The Australasian Critical Communications Forum (ACCF) and TCCA have a longstanding and successful association with the organisers of the Comms Connect events in Australia and New Zealand in support of the wireless industry in the Australasian/Oceania region.

Comms Connect Melbourne 2023 united mission-critical and business-critical end-users with manufacturers and suppliers for three days of inspiration, knowledge and connections and allowed visitors to view the latest technology and forge new business relationships with partners from across the region and globe.

In support of Comms Connect Melbourne 2023 the ACCF presented two comprehensive workshops featuring expert speakers from around the world.

The workshop programmes focused on technology developments and user requirements that are driving global change in mission critical communications and provided knowledge sharing and comprehensive updates in specific topic areas that include cybersecurity, satellite communications and the roll-out and deployment of critical broadband networks in Australia and around the world, and the lessons learned.

The ACCF workshop supported by TCCA featured an impressive line-up of critical communications leaders and innovators from Australia, USA, Canada, Europe and New Zealand who discussed vital developments, challenges and what the future holds for the sector.

Presenters included: David Morrant, NSW Telco Authority, Steven Tsikaris, Victorian Treasury & Finance Dept, Brett Pearson, WA Police, Lincoln Mackay, Hourua New Zealand, Jeff Bratcher, FirstNet USA, Phil Crnko, PSBN Canada, Dereck Orr, Brianna Huettel, Simon Ledgerwood, NIST/PSCR USA, Julian Gorman, GSMA APAC, Andreas Heschl, Frequentis, Gösta Kallner, 450Alliance, Selim Bouri, Airbus, Ashley Neale, Vocus, Neha Dhyani and Bhuvnesh Tyag, Nokia, Kevin Graham, TCCA CEO, and Jonathan Brine ACCF co-chair.

The ACCF, a NFP industry membership organisation, registered in Australia, is a chapter of TCCA, supporting and advocating the use and development of standardised non-proprietary critical communications technologies for Public Safety to Utilities, Transport, Rail, Mining & Resource industries and critical end users in Australasia/Oceania.

Pictured at the workshop, from left: David Morrant, Brett Pearson, Steve Tsikaris, Ashley Neale, Bhuvneshwar Tyagi, Neha Dhyani and Kevin Graham.

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