ARCIA Industry Excellence Awards Highlight Spectrum Engineering’s Success
Author : Radio China    Time : 2024-07-08    Source :

In 2023, the Australian Radio Communications Industry Association (ARCIA) introduced the Small Business Award to recognize smaller companies that not only survive but thrive. With nominations for this year’s awards closing on September 20, Critical Comms spoke with the inaugural Small Business Award winner, Spectrum Engineering, to understand how the company achieved this prestigious honor.

Founded as a sole trader in 1986 and incorporated in 1988, Spectrum Engineering is a Canberra-based firm offering engineering consultancy services to major corporate and government clients in telecommunications, broadcasting, and radiocommunications. Specializing in radio frequency management, its primary business involves assisting clients with licensing their radiocommunications systems through the ACMA accreditation system.

Spectrum Engineering made a significant impact in 1990 by proposing to a parliamentary inquiry that frequency assignment work, previously done exclusively by the government, be opened to private practitioners. This led to the creation of the ACMA accreditation process, allowing licenses that once took weeks or months to be issued within a few days. Today, almost all apparatus licensing is conducted by Accredited Persons, with a Spectrum Engineering staff member being the first to receive accreditation from the (then) Spectrum Management Agency in 1996.

Since then, Spectrum Engineering has continued to excel. The company's Executive Manager, Andrew May, attributes its success to its dedicated team.

“We provide a working environment that encourages commitment and acknowledges contributions from everybody,” May said. “We operate a flat organizational structure within which all employees feel confident to contribute ideas.

“Our ‘people first’ policy has resulted in a strong staff retention record, which allows us to build enduring expertise,” May continued. He added that Spectrum Engineering’s focus on radio frequency licensing enables the company to maintain and share this expertise through high-quality customer service.

Spectrum Engineering regularly showcases its expertise at industry conferences, including Comms Connect, where it provides spectrum updates from ACMA. The constantly evolving regulatory environment requires Spectrum Engineering to stay updated on new developments and continuously upgrade its frequency management software, ensuring frequency assignments are strictly in line with ACMA’s RALIs.

“The software handles the computational details of the assignment task, freeing the assigner to focus on the suitability of the result,” May explained.

Reflecting on the significance of the Small Business Award, May said, “It is very satisfying to receive recognition from your peers. It is a source of pride and encouragement to those working within the business, and it is a public testament to the quality of the service that the business provides to its clients.”

In addition to the Small Business Award, ARCIA is also accepting nominations for the Local Manufacturing Award, the Major Project Award, the Industry Innovation Award, and Outstanding Industry Individual of the Year. These awards, along with two pre-selected awards, will be presented at the ARCIA Industry Gala Dinner on the first day of Comms Connect Melbourne, October 16.

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