Assessing Private 5G’s Potential Against Traditional Wi-Fi Networks
Author : Kamile Bigenyte    Time : 2024-01-05    Source :

The everyday ease and accessibility that Wi-Fi networks provide are indeed unmatched, especially when considering indoor applications such as homes, offices or even scholarly environments. However, the realm of connectivity is amidst major shifts due to recent developments in the ecosystem. Notably, the introduction of 5G and Wi-Fi 6 has amplified capacity, coverage, mobility, and processing speeds while reducing latency.

Interestingly, these technological advancements have made cellular connectivity an enticing counterpoint to Wi-Fi, specifically for enterprises that demand extensive support for significant business applications and desire optimal network control. This transition is predominantly reflected in the growing establishment of private cellular networks (PCNs) among enterprises. New approaches to spectrum policy, including the allocation of licensed spectrum for enterprises, has catalyzed the proliferation of enterprise PCNs. This ensures that companies can operate their PCNs effortlessly while retaining full network control.

As technological enterprises continue their evolution, three crucial wireless technologies – public cellular, private cellular and Wi-Fi, increasingly coexist. However, the advent of PCNs and the enhanced utility they offer – including superior coverage, mobility, reliability, security, and stable network performance, extends a novel privilege to enterprises: choice.

The question then arises: why are an increasing number of enterprises opting for private 5G or LTE over Wi-Fi? A closer look reveals that Wi-Fi, although accessible, is not always practical due to issues like signal interference, traffic congestion, or limited coverage. Comparably, private 5G networks consistently supersede Wi-Fi with their robust security and capacity. PCNs can effectively thwart credential-based attacks through SIM-based authentication, ensuring only approved users can access the network. Furthermore, private 5G networks offer advanced mobility due to their deterministic nature, thereby significantly enhancing network reliability for devices that roam within a PCN.

Another eye-opening attribute is the substantial coverage provided by private cellular networks. Large-scale connectivity is rendered far simpler, with private cellular networks having the capacity to cover outdoor spaces ten times more efficiently compared to conventional Wi-Fi. Consequently, organizations can minimize their hardware installation and maintenance needs significantly.

Coupled with immense reliability and the power of edge computing, 5G has revolutionized the way data processing takes place, with near real-time processing at the point of data creation. The reduction in latency, control of network and enhanced security offered by private cellular networks make them an irresistible proposition for emerging enterprises.

To summarize, while the legacy of Wi-Fi in supporting business and mission-critical applications cannot be undermined, the emergence of mature private cellular solutions suggests that the value proposition posed by Wi-Fi is shrinking. As enterprises increasingly adopt comprehensive PCN solutions with easy deployment and management, a new age in wireless network connectivity is well on the horizon.

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