100 Days at the FirstNet Authority: Reflections, Observations and Discoveries
This is the first in a 2-part series by Joe Wassel, First Responder Network Authority Executive Director and CEO, on his thoughts, insights, and vision for the future of public safety communications.
Sonim Technologies Launches XP10 Smartphone with Verizon
XP10 - Streamlined, High Utility, Ultra-Rugged Smartphone Pushes Toughness to New Levels
Mobile Tornado Reseller Storm is Enhancing Safety and Efficiency with PTToC Solution for Civitas Group
Civitas Group partnered with Storm, a European reseller of technologies developed by Mobile Tornado, to enhance the protection of critical infrastructure across Romania for a major oil, gas, and petrochemicals client.
How Broadband Mission Critical Device Certification is Being Led By GCF and TCCA
GCF and TCCA have been working together over the past few years to deliver a certification programme for devices supporting 3GPP standards-based mission critical services.
The PTToC Technology Has Surpassed Legacy Radios in the Realm of Mission Critical Communications
Looking back on a comparatively long history of PTToC technology, there will be a significant increase in the use of PTToC for mission-critical communications in the future.
ARCIA Update Upcoming Events Training and Awards
ARICA has high hopes for Brisbane on 27 July to round out conferences before the main events in Melbourne over 17–19 October.
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