HMF Conducts Research in the TETRA++ Project to Expand TETRA with New-Generation Broadband Networks
Author : Radio China    Time : 2023-11-03    Source :

With the handover of the grant, HMF Smart Solutions now has it in black and white: The “Extension of TETRA by new generation broadband networks (TETRA++)” research project has started and is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport with a total of 1.44 million euros. HMF is part of the research group that will test, among other things, the interoperability, availability and scalability of mission-critical communication via 5G in practice in two real test fields over the next 15 month.

The basis for this is a communication solution developed by HMF itself, which offers what is known as Mission Critical Services (MCx) according to the 3GPP standard. These Mission Critical Services are based on the services already known and proven from TETRA for mission-critical applications (e.g., push-to-talk, group calls, prioritisation, authentication, encryption). In addition, special broadband services such as file transfer and video streaming are provided.

In the two real applications (a professional radio environment for autonomous rail vehicles and a fire simulation in a factory for testing government radio), it is validated to what extent 5G technology is sufficient for these requirements and where gaps may arise. The research group is also working on proposed solutions for safeguarding and improvement.

A total of five partners are working together in the TETRA++ research group. In addition to HMF Smart Solutions, these are Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, BIQX GmbH, the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and T-Systems International GmbH. TETRA++ is also accompanied by other associated partners, including the Federal Agency for Digital Radio of Security Authorities and Organisations (BDBOS).

“We are very pleased to be able to put our mission-critical broadband solution to the test in detail together with our partners over the next few months and to gain new, important insights through test deployment under real conditions,” says Kim Ole Petersen, TETRA++ Project Manager at HMF. “The research project is therefore another major milestone in our development work. With our many years of experience with TETRA and our deep understanding of the mission-critical requirements of complex radio systems, we are excellently positioned to take professional communication to a new level with the integration of innovative broadband solutions.”

For HMF Smart Solutions GmbH, research and development at its own site has always been an important cornerstone of its corporate philosophy. In the Innovation Competence Centre, customisable communication solutions are created for today and tomorrow. HMF also maintains its own 5G model network there, which can be used by customers and partners for testing at any time.

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