HMF Continues as PMeV Board Chair for Another Two Years
Author : Radio China    Time : 2023-04-03    Source :

HMF Smart Solutions will continue to lead the German Professional Mobile Radio Association (PMeV) – Netzwerk sichere Kommunikation for the next two years: The board members unanimously re-elected Chief Strategy Officer Bernhard Klinger as their chairman at the PMeV general meeting last week in Berlin.

“I am pleased about the confidence that continues to be placed in me,” said Bernhard Klinger after the election. The PMeV members had first re-elected their board at their meeting, which then confirmed its chair. HMF has been continuously involved in the work of the board since the founding of the national association (1999). Bernhard Klinger has already been leading the PMeV since 2019. Together with the board and the member companies, he wants to further strengthen and expand the networking and positioning of the PMeV.

“Secure and highly available communication is essential for the advancing digitalisation in almost all industries,” says Klinger. This offers PMeV member companies the opportunity to expand existing markets and develop new ones. “PMeV will closely accompany the technology change in professional mobile communications in the direction of broadband. In this context, 5G campus networks in Germany will play a decisive role. We at HMF Smart Solutions are also working intensively on this topic.”

5G campus networks for business-critical communication, for example, will be a focus topic at the next PMRExpo (28-30 November 2023 in Cologne). PMeV is the conceptual supporter of the international trade fair.

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