Spark Emphasises on The Role Between Critical IoT & Critical Communications
Author : Radio China    Time : 2023-10-07    Source :

Industrial IoT routers can provide emergency responders with "always on" information. This helps with tracking people and their vehicles, enabling real-time emergency communications and public safety information sharing. Cellular and WiFi antenna systems excel in public safety applications, mission-critical communications and mobile healthcare.

A few examples of routers include the R1900 Series Router from Cradlepoint, the Airlink XR90 from Sierra Wireless and the MAX BR2 Pro 5G from Peplink — all offering different capabilities, depending on requirements. Learn more about Sierra Wireless routers  


IoT gateways like these keep the channels of communication open, even during power cuts. When part of a network is down, a strong antenna can reach a distant tower and provide a connection. Such gateways are built with durability and reliability in mind; operating across a combination of connections, they work even in areas with low network coverage. In New Zealand, both Hato Hone St John ambulance services and The Lines Company, a community-owned electricity distribution company, rely on Spark’s IoT expertise to help them deliver outstanding service in remote locations.  


Attentis devices monitor environmental conditions in real-time 

An Attentis device can feed information to emergency services, councils and health services about what’s happening in the environment — all in real-time. Learn more about Attentis solutions

The intelligent sensors can track

  • air quality

  • weather

  • noise

  • flames

  • water quality

  • ground and structural movement

The devices can send live images, high-definition videos and thermal imaging to a dashboard, or send instant alerts to emergency services. This provides immediate answers to critical questions such as, "is the air quality safe enough for us return to the area?", "is the water quality high enough to drink?" or "has the earth stopped shaking?"   

Environmental sensors operate across the Spark network, providing vital data to the organisations that need it most urgently. Local agencies and emergency services can then send messages directly to local residents, to share what’s happening and provide warnings and updates.

Attentis devices also allow for early detection of wildfires, recently proven in Australia where early notifications allowed firefighters to put out a reignited bushfire before it got out of hand. Read more about Attentis fire detection sensors

Glenn Pröbstl, Operations Manager for the Country Fire Authority, said "the ability to monitor weather for fire operations and pollution for fire fighter and community health was a huge advantage over previous campaigns."


Award-winning fire detection IoT can save lives 

You can see the power of IoT in action at Waitakiri Bottle Lake Forest Park, where Christchurch City Council has set up an early fire detection system. Using Attentis hardware, five pole-mounted environmental sensor units — which send data via the Spark network — were installed in the forest. Each self-powered unit installation includes 360o thermal imaging with AI capability, ultra-high-definition video and still imaging. The units monitor fires and track weather, air pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall and air quality. Learn more about how IoT is protecting the Waitākiri/Bottle Lake Forest Park

All data gathered is transmitted in real-time to Council staff and Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ) personnel. If a fire starts, FENZ receives a notification in real-time with an accurate location. With sensors providing real-time weather condition data, firefighters can make the best decisions around how to contain and extinguish the fire.  


New Zealand Christchurch residents can also access the data, which gives them valuable information, such as pollen count, as well as an overview of conditions at the park. This project recently won the Datacom Award for Digital Local Government at the 2023 LFGA Taituarā Local Government Excellence Awards. Read about Christchurch City Council winning the Datacom Award


A communication lifeline when you need it 

In an emergency, the right information is critical for saving lives and preventing harm. IoT can be an essential tool in providing information, maintaining open lines of communication and keeping people safe. Spark is working with emergency services, the Public Safety Network and other organisations to help protect the people, wildlife and places of Aotearoa.    

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