Teltronic to Supply TETRA to New Light Rail in Parramatta, Australia
Author : Radio China    Time : 2021-03-19

Teltronic, a Spanish company specialized in the design and manufacture of critical communications solutions, will be responsible for the deployment of the TETRA radio system serving the new Parramatta Light Rail, a new line connecting the suburbs of Westmead and Carlingford, west of Greater Sydney.

This new transport infrastructure is one of the last major projects that the New South Wales Government is developing to provide new services to the growing city of Sydney, creating this connection through Parramatta, a suburb with important leisure, sports, commercial and health facilities, through a line that is expected to be operational by 2023.

For this project, whose telecommunications package was assigned to Thales, Teltronic will provide its NEBULA network infrastructure, consisting of Switching Control Node as well as the outdoor base stations required to provide coverage for the entire route.

In addition, the company will also equip the vehicles with an on-board radio from its RTP series that provides TETRA voice and data services and that is frequently used in trams and light rail systems around the world, as well as the terminals, both portable and desktop units, which will be used by supervisors and maintenance staff.

"After the North West and Sydney Light Rail projects, this will be our third transport reference in Sydney, which highlights the strength of our solutions and the positive reception they have in the country, a growing market where we expect to continue to grow with new business opportunities in TETRA technology but also in LTE," said Transport Business Development Director, Felipe Sanjuán.


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