The 2nd Edition of The Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) Conference to be Held at UIC
Author : Radio China    Time : 2023-03-31    Source :

The UIC FRMCS Programme is currently entering a new and important phase of development with the harmonisation of radio frequencies for railways in Europe, the FRMCS V1 specifications being finished, and the first FRMCS product prototypes being delivered.

Now more than ever, it is clear that FRMCS will be the railway system’s next big development over the decade to come, as it will be key in progressing railway digitalisation and paving the way for train modernisation, by directly serving new technology like automatic train operations (ATO) or the Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS). Not only this but FRMCS will improve security for railway services, increase cost optimisation for railway assets, as well as boost capacity and service performance.

During the two-day event, the following topics will be presented and discussed:

  • The status and plans of the UIC specification stream

  • The status of 3GPP and ETSI standardisation

  • The regulatory situation

  • Spectrum activities

  • FRMCS ecosystem prototyping

  • Railway strategies and plans

  • Supplier industry strategies and plans

  • ETCS and ATO readiness for FRMCS

  • Coexisting with GSM-R

  • And other related subjects

Moreover, there will be opportunities to talk with all of the FRMCS Programme leaders and contributors and to get an in-depth understanding of the new telecommunication framework which is driving developments in the railway sector.


Don’t miss out on the early bird registration fees, only available until 31 March 2023!

UIC members - early bird fee: 300.00€ (normal fee: 400€)
Non-UIC members - early bird fee: 500.00€ (normal fee: 750€)
Sign up on the FRMCS Conference website

Please contact UIC regarding sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at

Image courtesy by Jan Vašek

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