The 8th MCX PLUGTESTS is Going On
Author : Radio China    Time : 2023-10-12    Source :

ETSI, with the support of the European Commission (EC), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the Critical Communications Association (TCCA), the European Utilities Telecom Council (EUTC) and the Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC), is organizing the eighth MCX PlugtestsTM. This Plugtests is hosted by the University of Malaga, Spain, from 9 to 13 October 2023. 


The concept of Mission Critical Services such as “Mission Critical Push To Talk" (MCPTT), “Mission Critical Data" (MCData) and “Mission Critical Video" (MCVideo) started with 3GPP Release-13 and is ongoing in current Releases. The Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) is based on these Mission Critical Features.

The goal of this MCX Plugtests event is to validate the interoperability of a variety of implementations using different scenarios based on 3GPP Mission Critical Services. The MCX Plugtests event will also test, flexible group communications, MCData IP Connectivity and complex emergency call handling. The MCX Plugtests event will, besides mission critical features which have been tested in past events over 4G network, be extended to test Mission Critical Services over 5G test network. Specific focus will be put on inter-system communications including Off-Network, IWF and Inter-MCX scenarios. The tests are based on 3GPP, ETSI and IETF standards and are designed for:

  • MCS Application Servers (MCPTT, MCDATA, MCVIDEO)


  • FRMCS Applications using MCX Framework

  • eMBMS Components

  • IMS / SIP Cores

  • Consoles and Control Rooms connected to MCX servers

  • MCS Test Equipments

  • RAN equipment (4G and 5G)

  • Packet cores (4G and 5G)

  • UEs (User Equipment), Cab Radios, embedded equipment, Rugged Handheld Phones

  • TETRA and P25 systems with IWF

This event will feature tests with 4G and 5G radio equipment (gNBs, eNBs, 5GCs, EPCs, UEs) with Unicast and Multicast support and will also allow Over-The-Top (OTT) testing of Mission Critical Servers and Clients as well as included tests of railways-oriented capabilities. Test Equipment vendors will have the possibility to test as well in the Plugtests.


  • To assess the level of interoperability of your implementations

  • To validate your understanding of the standards

  • To test with (many) other real implementations and demonstrate end-to-end interoperability

  • To debug your implementation: early bug fixing, saving time and costs

  • To promote the technology and the ecosystem


  • Vendors which develop and produce above-mentioned equipment

  • Observers, which can be government organizations, mobile network operators, public safety operators, users, agencies or regulators.

New Vendors and Observers must sign the Rules of Engagement and NDA of the MCX Plugtests Programme to participate. 


Observers are welcome to help define the scope (i.e. functionality to be tested) for this event and to evaluate the tests statistics in the TRT (Test Reporting Tool).

In parallel to the testing, we are planning to organise an observer round table discussion, observer program and interoperability demos. The focus of the observer round table discussion and program is to examine and discuss the progress of deployment and the challenges in testing of the Mission Critical Services for Public Safety and Public Transport. The observer round table discussion and program will be held onsite during the event.

The interoperability demos will be demonstrated by the interested vendors showing interoperability of their equipment by showcasing the MCX Plugtests test cases and observer scenario use cases.

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