Virve 2 Network Enters Testing Phase to Boost Public Safety and Critical Communications in Finland
Author : Radio China    Time : 2024-06-26    Source :

The Virve 2 network, designed to enhance public safety and critical communications in Finland, has entered the testing phase with several user organizations. This phase is crucial for building trust through hands-on experimentation.

As part of the Virve 2 services rollout, customers are currently engaged in functional testing. This allows users to familiarize themselves with the technology before its full operational implementation. The goal of this testing is to ensure the critical communications broadband network performs reliably and effectively.

Finland is nearing a pivotal moment in its critical communications evolution. By the end of 2028, the current Virve narrowband TETRA network will transition to Virve 2 broadband services.

“The transition is a gradual process, not an abrupt change. The current phase of familiarization and testing is vital to ensure the new services function as intended. Our objective is to build trust in these services through rigorous testing,” explains Harri Virtanen, Development Manager at Erillisverkot.

Currently, the service coverage areas are being mapped, and the Group Voice Service, analogous to the existing Virve network, is under scrutiny. Virtanen, who oversees the testing by user organizations, is pleased that users are actively engaging with the technology, despite having limited time for testing. He notes:“User organizations recognize the importance of testing to ensure the new services meet quality and operational standards. This process has already yielded results. For instance, a test user identified a hidden issue in the Group Voice Service, which has since been resolved, allowing further trials and testing,”

Functional testing involves user organizations getting acquainted with the service's functionality and features, including terminals, additional devices, and available services. Trial usage has been conducted by organizations such as the rescue services, police, border guard, social health services, defense forces, and other smaller entities.

This phase means testing Virve 2 services within the user organizations' own operational environments and settings. Erillisverkot, the network operator, has already performed

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